During the 150th anniversary year the evening events organized on a monthly basis will turn into whole-day events.
Design Evenings every last Tuesday of the month from 11 am to 8 pm
Design Museum Helsinki |
Opening hours |
Social media |
Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki |
Instagram: @arkkitehtuuri_ja_designmuseo #ArkkitehtuuriJaDesignmuseo Facebook: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo LinkedIn: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo Youtube: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo | ||||||
During the 150th anniversary year the evening events organized on a monthly basis will turn into whole-day events.
Design Evenings every last Tuesday of the month from 11 am to 8 pm
Helsinki Design Week, the largest multidisciplinary design festival in the Nordic countries, is once again taking over the city, the web and the Design Museum 8.-17.9.2023
A&DO Lab can now be found from in front of Vuotalo in Vuosaari!