
Design Museum Helsinki

Opening hours

Social media

Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
tel. +358 9 6220 540
fax +358 9 6220 5455

Tue 11am-8pm
Wed–Sun 11am-6pm
Mon Closed
Instagram: @arkkitehtuuri_ja_designmuseo #ArkkitehtuuriJaDesignmuseo Facebook: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo LinkedIn: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo Youtube: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo

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3D tour of the Travel as a Tool-Exhibition

Travel as a Tool cures the desire to travel virtually as well

We have opened a virtual 3D version of the exhibition Travel as a Tool. In this virtual version of the exhibition, you can go on an adventure inside the exhibition and become acquainted with its content and elements in the comfort of your home.  Read more about the exhibition here



If the preview above doesn’t work, you can check out the 3D-version of the exhibition here.



Executed by: Shou3D

In cooperation with