Discussions on empathic design, connections between architecture and nature, care and materiality will be held in the Alusta pavilion during August and September. Welcome to ponder about our place as part of a wider community than humans!
The last discussion on 14.9. at 5 pm-7 pm “Architecture as a tool for environmental discussion” will be held indoors at the Museum of Finnish Architecture, Kasarmikatu 24.
Loss of Biodiversity & Urban Design
31.8. at 6 pm-8 pm
in Finnish / free entry
Assistant professor of landscape design and ecology Elisa LĂ€hde from Aalto University and docent of urban ecology Kati Vierikko from the Finnish Environmental Center discuss the loss of biodiversity and how designers can respond to it in urban environments.
Care, Architecture & Materiality
What would happen if we were to cease treating construction materials as something separate from us that is there for us to utilize and discard as we wish? Speakers are Matti Kuittinen, Architect, Adjunct Professor, Resource-efficient construction and environmental impacts, Aalto University and Elina Koivisto, Architect, University Teacher in Building Technology, Aalto University.
Architecture & Empathy
Minimizing the negative impacts of construction is not enough â how can architecture contribute to the wellbeing of the community, both human and nonhuman? Introduction to Alusta pavilion & Talk followed by discussion. Guest speakers: Sofie Pelsmakers, Associate Professor, Architecture, Housing Design, Tampere University and Maiju Suomi, Architect & Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University.
Making in the More than Human World
How does moving beyond the anthropocentric attitude change a designerâs perspective? Who is the author when natural processes, plants and non-human animals take part in shaping the outcome? What is the role of the material in the making? Speakers are Maarit MĂ€kelĂ€, Associate Professor, Practice Led Design Research, Aalto University, Maiju Suomi, Architect & Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University and Aarni Tujula, Bachelor of Arts, Aalto University.
Architecture as a tool for environmental discussion
14.9. at 5 pm-7 pm at the Museum of Finnish Architecture
in Finnish / free entry
Together with the “Vapaa” and “You Tell Me” collectives and Panu Savolainen, professor of the history of architecture at Aalto University, we ponder how architecture can promote environmental discussion and contribute to building a new relationship with nature.
Photo: Milja Nieminen