We welcome groups* to enjoy a quiet, peaceful, and admission free museum visit to the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum every last Tuesday morning of the month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Self-guided museum visits on quiet Tuesday mornings are intended for organizations, associations, as well as social and healthcare providers, well-being and health providers and similar providers whose target groups benefit from a quiet, peaceful, and admission free museum visit. Such groups include rehabilitative groups, therapy groups, integration training groups, peer support groups, sensory-sensitive groups, or groups at high risk of infection.
During quiet Tuesday mornings, groups can explore the exhibitions independently or book a guided tour or workshop. The guided tours and workshops are available for an additional fee. The museums are closed to other visitors during quiet Tuesday mornings, making it a peaceful time to explore the museums and exhibitions. Please book your visit for your group at least one week in advance, and inform us of your group’s needs and preferences when making the reservation.
During quiet Tuesday mornings, the Museum of Finnish Architecture can accommodate visits for two groups at a time, with a maximum of approximately 30 museum visitors, in addition to staff, and the Design Museum can accommodate visits for four groups at a time, with a maximum of approximately 60 museum visitors, in addition to staff. The estimated duration of a museum visit for one group is 60 minutes.
Visits during quiet Tuesday mornings are available for booking until the end of 2024. Groups are also welcome to visit during the museums’ regular opening hours. Rehabilitative and similar groups enjoy free admission to both museums. Volunteers or guides planning the visit can explore the exhibitions in advance for free.
*Organizations and associations, as well as social and healthcare professionals, well-being and health– sector workers, and similar groups, whose target audiences benefit from a quiet, peaceful, and admission free museum visit. Such groups include rehabilitative groups, therapy groups, integration training groups, peer support groups, and groups sensitive to sensory issues or at high risk of infection. Please note that there are no general assistants or social and healthcare professionals available at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum. Admission for assistants, support persons, or interpreters is always free of charge.
Quiet Tuesday Mornings in 2024
You can book a museum visit for your group on the following dates:
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 | 9:00â11:00 | Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum
Booking a Museum Visit
Book a museum visit for your group via email: info@designmuseo.fi
Please specify the group for which you are making the reservation and your group’s needs and preferences when booking. Admission free, quiet, and peaceful museum visits are aimed at the aforementioned target groups. There is no need to prove membership of the target group when making a reservation or upon arrival. The maximum group size for a museum visit is 15 persons. There is no defined minimum group size.
Principles for a safer space and Accessibility
Principles for a safer space for the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum can be found on the website.
Accessibility information for the Museum of Finnish Architecture can be found on the website.
Accessibility information for the Design Museum can be found on the website.
For more information:
Jemina Vainikka Lindholm
Curator of Community Engagement
+358 45 7731 0476