Finland’s first Upcycling Center is locating in the yard between the Design Museum and the Architecture Museum in Helsinki. In recycled cargo containers upcycling design products are creating from discarded material in the spirit of a circular economy.
The purpose of the Upcycling Center is to bring well-being to individuals by offering energizing and creative learning experiences based on design, handicraft, entrepreneurship and circular economy. Furthermore, the Upcycling Center aims to empower unemployed women, especially immigrant women, through meaningful activities and training that support their integration. In the beginning 5-10 women will be invited to work together and find solutions to the huge textile waste problem our society is facing. Among other things, products that the women will produce are sold in one of the containers. The items will be made from discarded material including recycled material from the Architecture and Design Museum Helsinki. The Upcycling Center has been developed by upcycling expert and creative entrepreneur Isabella Haas.
The Upcycling Center’s activities are open to public. During opening hours visitors are welcome to visit the containers in order to participate in the production or exchange ideas with the makers. Interesting activities will be organized at the container village and the museums, for example free upcycling workshops on Saturdays at 13-15 (10.12., 17.12., 7.1., 14.1., 21.1., 28.1., 4.2., 11.2., 18.2., 25.2., 4.3., 11.3., 18.3., 25.3.).
You can also order a fun creative upcycling workshop for your team or group of friends. Just get in touch and we will be happy to discuss the details with you.
Opening hours
The Upcycling Center production container and shop are open Tue-Fri at 13-17 and Sat at 11-16.
Cooperation partners:
Designmuseo, Arkkitehtuurimuseo, EDEL City Oy, Finncontainers Oy, Monika Naiset ry, Atelier Helsinki