
Design Museum Helsinki

Opening hours

Social media

Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
tel. +358 9 6220 540
fax +358 9 6220 5455

Tue 11am-8pm
Wed–Sun 11am-6pm
Mon Closed
Instagram: @arkkitehtuuri_ja_designmuseo #ArkkitehtuuriJaDesignmuseo Facebook: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo LinkedIn: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo Youtube: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo

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Thank you for telling us what you thought about your visit! We actively monitor the feedback and use it to improve the museum experience.

With this short questionnaire, you can give us a quick numerical estimate or write a longer verbal answer. We welcome all feedback!

You can also find the feedback form at this link

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