
Design Museum Helsinki

Opening hours

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Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki
tel. +358 9 6220 540
fax +358 9 6220 5455

Tue 11am-8pm
Wed–Sun 11am-6pm
Mon Closed
Instagram: @arkkitehtuuri_ja_designmuseo #ArkkitehtuuriJaDesignmuseo Facebook: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo LinkedIn: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo Youtube: Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseo

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29 January – 30 May 2021
At Design Museum Helsinki

In 2019, the Design Museum received a significant donation: the archives of designer Gunnel Nyman (1909–1948). The archives contain sketches, correspondence, photographs and other materials that used to belong to the renowned glass designer. The exhibition to open at the Gallery of the Design Museum in January 2021 will introduce these archives that she personally collected and maintained. The exhibition will also highlight the processes of museum work. Will the archive materials shed new light on the work and life of the designer? What will happen to the archives as they become a part of the collection of the Design Museum? Join in the museum´s collection activities! You will be able to examine sketches by Gunnel Nyman at the activity point in the Design Attic, giving you a glimpse into the museum´s behind-the-scenes work.

Check out the Exhibition

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