Torstaina 13.9. klo 15-17.30
Designmuseon auditorio
Oppimisen tilat – Suunnittelulla lisäarvoa oppimiselle
Millaiset suunnitteluratkaisut tukevat oppimista? Millaiset fyysisiä ja digitaalisia ratkaisuja tuottavat lisäarvoa oppimiselle? Millaisia ovat tulevaisuuden oppimisympäristöt?
Oppimisen tilat ja erilaiset oppimisympäristöt ovat nousseet monessa yhteydessä esille ajankohtaisina ja merkityksellisinä. Suunnittelun näkökulmasta aihe on herkullinen, koska se tuo niin konkreettisella tavalla yhteen suunnittelijan ja loppukäyttäjän. Opetussuunnitelma painottaa oppilaan osallisuutta ja yhteisöllisyyttä. Erilaisten osallistavien prosessien avulla voidaan esimerkiksi tukea oppimista ja tukea yhteisöllisyyttä. Suunnitteluun voidaan kutsua mukaan opettajat ja oppilaat. Myös teknologian avulla synnytetään uudenlaisia paikkoja oppimisella.
Designmuseon iltapäiväseminaari kutsuu opetuksen ja suunnittelualan ammattilaisia pohtimaan oppimisympäristöjä suunnittelun näkökulmasta. Iltapäivä koostuu lyhyistä case-esimerkeistä ja keskustelusta.
In English:
What about Learning Spaces? Design to Add Value to Learning
Design Museum lecture room, Thursday, 13 September from 3–5:30 pm
An afternoon seminar at the Design Museum invites education and design professionals to ponder learning environments from design and architectural angles.
What kind of design solutions support learning? What kind of physical and digital solutions produce additional value for learning? What will learning environments be like in the future? The spaces for learning and different learning environments have been brought up on many occasions as topical and important. From a design point of view, it’s a delicious topic because it brings together the designer and the end-user in such a concrete way. The official curriculum emphasizes the pupil’s participation and communality. Various engagement processes can help support learning and communality. Teachers and pupils can be invited to participate in the design. Technology, too, is used to generate new kind of places for learning.
Amy Chan, Curator of Learning and Engagement
A Travelling Creative Studio: M+ Rover
Amy Chan is Curator of Learning and Engagement at M+, Hong Kong’s new museum for twentieth and twenty-first century visual culture at West Kowloon Cultural District, scheduled to open in the near future. Since joining M+, she has been involved in learning programmes that engage a wide spectrum of audience. Among the programmes is M+ Rover, a travelling creative studio with emphasis on co-learning and participatory approach, that involves intimate interaction among students and artists during the process. She is also overseeing M+ summer camp, a learning experience that is tailor-made for youth, as well as outreach initiative for community of different abilities in Hong Kong. As part of the curatorial team, she is looking after the volunteer docent training programme for the ongoing exhibitions and the development of other new initiative such as the learning space in the run-up of the opening of the museum. Previously, she worked as a practicing designer, lecturer at Hong Kong Design Institute as well as programme director for a youth learning progamme called “We Search for Keywords” with the aim to connect young people to local history through photo styling, ceramic and information graphic.
Jaana Brinck, teacher, researcher
A Participatory approach to Makerspaces design: Designing for and with primary schools in the Helsinki Area*
Jaana Brinck is an artist and a designer. Currently she designs makerspaces for schools at City of Helsinki and works as a researcher and teacher at Aalto University. She is part of Media Lab’s Learning environments research group, LeGroup. Her experience in the field of art and design includes community art projects, participatory design projects, public art commissions and international exhibitions.
In her presentation, she will talk about the current project: Tinkering the world; joy and innovation to learning by making (Värkkäämällä maailma haltuun, iloa ja innovointia oppimiseen). She maps the framework of the designing makerspaces in schools. The vision is the empowerment of the students by making and participation. Nevertheless, some critical considerations needs to be identified to enable schools to adopt makerspaces and philosophy in the school culture.
Jaana Räsänen, M.Sc. (Architecture)
Creating Good Schools, Under Who´s Conditions?
Jaana Räsänen, M.Sc. (Architecture), is a long-term player in the field of architecture education for children and young people both in Finland and abroad. Currently, she works as a special advisor on the topic at Archinfo Finland. Her latest challenges deal with afternoon architectural clubs in primary and secondary schools, architecture education in visual art schools, built environment as a multidisciplinary learning environment and young people as users and builders of public spaces.
In her presentation, she will make a brief overview on the decades of school architecture in Finland, and discuss through examples how schools from different times have served in the past and how they serve today as learning environments.
Laura Euro, designer
3D-technologies as tools for participation
Laura Euro is a designer who wants to enable children’s participation in schools by designing together. She has worked with various school-related design projects and helped teachers use design process as part of their teaching. Her backround is in interior architecture, lately she has been digging into digital technologies – especially 3D-printing and AR.
Laura shows in her presentation how her own thinking process has shifted from hands-on prototyping to digital form and what are the key elements in working with digital design involving children’s participation. She shows trough examples how she has used AR as a tool for ideation and what kind of new aspects come with using it.